Florida school gay bar trip

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What if the Broward school board member took little kids to this bar EXPECTING that some parents would protest, so she could call the FBI and go on MSNBC to discuss all the “threatening messages” she’s received from “insurrectionist” parents? /bkEFg9YIkC- Christina Pushaw ? October 28, 2021 Ron DeSantis, sent out a tweet lamenting that a “Broward School Board member takes little kids to a gay bar on a field trip, forcing them to wear masks to ‘keep them safe.’” Christina Pushaw, press secretary for Florida’s Republican Gov. The field trip received criticism from conservatives, who pointed to the excursion as the latest example of schools trying to force leftist ideology onto children. According to the menu, the “Plain Jane” burger contains “our signature burger blend from the sexiest Angus beef cows.”

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Rosie’s has menu items with sexually provocative names, including burgers named “Ivana Hooker,” 'Rhoda Cowboy' and “Anita Mojito,” which is described as a “sexy Cuban temptress.” Another burger named “Helena Bun” is touted as being “tossed in Rosie’s own ‘Smack My Cheeks and Make ’em Rosy’” sauce.

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I was SO honored to be invited to chaperone field trip to the incredible Rosie’s! The students and I had a fun walk over and learned a lot about our community! A huge thank you to for hosting this special field trip every year! /A3rpMbyUJP- School Board Member Sarah Leonardi October 27, 2021

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